Browser version is here!


After a bit of a delay (...I had a little less energy at the start of this year than I was expecting) we now have a purely browser version of the game! The whole phone call happens on your computer, rather than doing a real VOIP call to a server.

This uses the web's speech recognition API, which is only properly supported on Google Chrome for the moment, so to play the game you'll need to use that browser. Hopefully other browsers will be supported soon (Firefox has almost had the speech recognition API working for a while now but is stuck sorting out some permissions issue... get your act together Firebox!)

A fun detail is the same code base could be used for the real phone call version and the standalone web version. So if I ever felt like restoring hosting for the phone call version, I could! The code is here if you're curious about the details

Peace! ✌️

Files Play in browser
Apr 06, 2021

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